Titanium dioxide is the latest product of nanotechnology and integrates with the coated surface at the molecular level. It effectively eliminates pathogenic microorganisms – bacteria, fungi, viruses and their spores, building a shield that remains active for a minimum of one week from the first application.
This new step supports traditional methods of disinfection.
It is worth to note that this technology is being used for disinfecting hospitals and food production plants. Titanium dioxide has also been approved for use in the European Union. According to studies carried out in other areas, it reduces significantly, by over 90 per cent, the number of microorganisms on usable surfaces as well as eliminates volatile organic compounds, fungi, including mould, neutralizes endotoxins and harmful compounds such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, benzene or formaldehyde. The use of this technology does not harm the safety of employees or customers.
Virol-Oxy is based on a disruptive technology that is specifically engineered to fight harmful microbes. European norm tests demonstrate that when Viroloxy is applied to surfaces they become self-disinfecting and decompose microbes like bacteria, viruses, airborne mold spores, and chemical compounds like VOCs.
The coating is transparent and odorless and can be applied to all surfaces, including surfaces with direct food contact. Once exposed to light, it starts a photocatalytic reaction that decomposes microbes and purifies the air.
In the presence of indoor or outdoor light, Viroloxy uses Titanium dioxide (TiO₂) to turn natural humidity and oxygen into free radicals in a natural process called photocatalysis.
When TiO₂ is exposed to light, it generates electron-hole pairs that transform the humidity in the air into free radicals. Free radicals continuously decompose bacteria, viruses, and the volatile organic compounds that they come into contact with.
Titanium dioxide
Titanium dioxide (TiO₂) is a naturally occurring oxide and is a key ingredient in Virol-Oxy. It has a wide range of applications, including as a paint pigment, sunscreen ingredient, and food additive.
Decomposing microbes
To be recognized as a biocide within the European Union, a product has to pass a biocidal European norm test (EN-test) and be registered with the European Chemical Agency.
EN-tests are technical standards drafted and maintained by the European Committee for Standardization, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
One of the institutes that has performed an EN-test . In their report of testing Viroloxy , they conclude:
After evaluation with poliovirus type 1, adenovirus type 5 and MNV the surface disinfectant Viroloxy can be declared as having “virucidal” properties according to EN 14476:2013. Therefore, after successful experiments with the three above mentioned non-enveloped viruses as well as against members of other virus families.
Viroloxy reduces air pollutants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde, benzene, and acetone as well as NOx. VOCs can cause a drowsiness experience in a room with poor ventilation or with new furniture, new carpets, or many electronics.
Viroloxy also reduces odors (which are also carbon-based molecules) in the air, providing our clients with better indoor air quality.
In nature, mold is necessary to help dead organic material decompose. However, mold poses a significant challenge in buildings. Besides the unpleasant odor and possibly costly renovation of the building, there are serious health risks involved in living and working in a mold-infested environment.
Mold spores are basically everywhere, but with Virol they are decomposed before they even settle on a coated surface, inhibiting spore germination, or mycelium growth.
Viroloxy has passed several EN-tests for mold and yeasts:
Double Capacity Titanium dioxide crystals into Patented Adsorbent.
Coronavirus is an infectious disease and all infectious diseases are caused by microscopic germs known as bacteria or viruses that get into the body and cause problems. Some- but not all – infectious disease spread directly from one person to another. Infectious diseases that spread from person to person are said to be contagious. Contagious diseases (such as the flu, colds, or strep throat) spread from person to person in several ways. One way is through direct physical contact, like touching or kissing a person who has the infected. Another way is when an infectious microbe travel (Aerosols)through the air after someone nearby breathes, sneezes, or coughs. But the Coronavirus is a little different, and we know Why?
Watch Water® crystalline form of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) have photocatalytic activity. Anatase based Titansorb-P has a band gap of 3.2 eV. The photocatalytic process includes chemical steps that produce reactive species which causes fatal damage to microorganisms. Formation of singlet oxygen with the reaction of hydroxyl radical TiO2 forms Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)which damages the viral functions of viruses. For a cell (bacteria) or virus in contact with the Titansorb-P surface, there is a direct transfer of electoral transfer to the bacteria and viruses. Mechanism of photocatalytic process on irradiated Titansorb-P. Screened small crystalline.
Since the outbreak began in late 2019, Watch Water® has been racing to learn more about SARS-COVID-19, which is a strain from a family of viruses known as coronavirus for their crown-like shape.The idea of using Titansorb® nanoparticles is that the virus behind COVID-19 consists of a structure of a similar scale as Titansorb®nanoparticles. At that scale matter is ultra-small, about a thousand times smaller than the width of a single strand of hair. Watch Water® is using Titansorb® particles of similar sizes that could attach to SARS-COVID-19 viruses by disrupting their structure with a combination of H2O2 and visible light. That structure change would then halt the ability of the virus to survive and enter into the body.“You just have to watch the solution of Virol-Oxy® and see the turbidity of disinfectant. These are nanoparticles of Titansorb® in nanoscale size range, to detect viruses and deactivate them from all types of surfaces. “Titansorb® nanoparticles utilizes both the unique function to detect the virus and simultaneously using the catalytic properties of the nanoparticle to disinfect all surfaces”.
COVID-19 spreads mostly through tiny droplets of viral particles from breathing, talking coughing and sneezing – that enter the body through nose, mouth, or eyes. All possible researches have proved that these virus particles and germs survive for days when they attach themselves to countertops, handrails, floors, doorknobs and every other hard surfaces. That is the only reason to make Virol-Oxy® withTitansorb® nanoparticles with the focus of the COVID-19 outbreak, to detect and inactivate further growth. Nanoparticles of Titansorb®could disable these viruses, bacteria and pathogens much before they can break into the body, where Virol-Oxy® has been sprayed on all different objects and surfaces. Titansorb® particles hold on these objects and surfaces to attack viruses and inactivate them within a blink of an eye. The most genius disinfectant, which could inactivate 99.99% of COVID-19, including a wide range of other viruses, bacteria and pathogens.
• Including fabrics, masks, gloves, doctors’ coats, curtains, bedsheets, carpets etc.• Metals, lifts, door handles, nobs, railings, public transport, airport etc.• Wood, furniture, floors and partition panels.• Concreate, hospitals, clinics, isolation wards.• Complete bathrooms, spas, swimming pools including water for different applications.• Plastics, switches, kitchen and all home applications including telephones and mobile phones.• All disinfection chambers
Virol-Oxy® is the first disinfectant in the world with three different properties such as
Residential and Commercial buildings disinfected with Virol-Oxy® during the coronavirus outbreak can now feel comfortable and easy, as a self-disinfecting and cleaning coating lasts minimum for ONE month inside the building and THREE months outdoors. Virol-Oxy® has been applied almost in every country affected by coronavirus.
The unique coating, called TIO2 crystalline powder, kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi upon contact and remains on surface even with repeated scrubbing and cleaning, as strong sulfate bonding agents help it to adhere tightly to surfaces at a molecular level.
The effectiveness of Titansorb is tested and patented by German Government.
Potassium Pentasulfate and Hydrogen peroxy along with Titanium-based catalyst, create two key active radicals No.1. Sulfate radicals and No.2. Hydroxy radicals with Oxidation potentials (V).
No.1 2.8
No.2 2.7
Total 5.5 (V
press to enlarge
Viral Oxy is based on a disruptive technology that is specifically engineered to fight harmful microbes. European norm tests demonstrate that when Viroloxy is applied to surfaces they become self-disinfecting and decompose microbes like bacteria, viruses, airborne mold spores, and chemical compounds like VOCs.
The coating is transparent and odorless and can be applied to all surfaces, including surfaces with direct food contact. Once exposed to light, it starts a photocatalytic reaction that decomposes microbes and purifies the air.
In the presence of indoor or outdoor light, Viroloxy uses Titanium dioxide (TiO₂) to turn natural humidity and oxygen into free radicals in a natural process called photocatalysis.
When TiO₂ is exposed to light, it generates electron-hole pairs that transform the humidity in the air into free radicals. Free radicals continuously decompose bacteria, viruses, and the volatile organic compounds that they come into contact with.
Since the arrival of SARS, and more recently COVID 19, there is an increasing awareness and use of antimicrobial materials including antimicrobial coatings to combat the spread of disease-causing microbes. The estimated market value of antimicrobial coatings was over $3.2 Billion USD in 2019 with an estimated adjusted annual growth rate of 10.4% through 2026
Many efficacy tests have been done proving its effectiveness on surfaces, hands and as a disinfectant.
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