Hospitals and healthcare workers have stringent cleaning and disinfection protocols. They wear masks and protective clothing. Everyone wears gloves. They use the highest rated cleaning products during strict regimented cleaning procedures. They are intelligent, trained and work diligently to provide a sterilized environment. And still there are an estimated 680,000 hospital associated infections (HAIs) each year according to the CDC. Over 70,000 deaths are associated with HAIs each year.
If hospitals struggle with eradication of microbes. What hope do the businesses with minimum wage teenagers and bitter (only job they could get) employees who do the cleaning that protects their customers and employees.
Yes, hospitals are for sick people. Sick people still bank. Sick people go grocery shopping. Go to the laundromat. They go everywhere we go. If social distancing taught us anything, it is we are surrounded by sick children, friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances and strangers. These sick people touch tables, countertops, doorknobs, light switches, handles, touchscreens, ATMs, gas pump handles, shopping carts, the soup can 1 minute before you picked it up at the grocery store. The list of contact surfaces is endless.
Disinfection wipes, sprays, detergents even when used perfectly, cannot prevent sick people from coughing, sneezing or infecting the doorknob that was sanitized moments earlier. Unfortunately it’s the same doorknob you will be using in 40 seconds.
Almost all Disinfection products do not offer any long lasting, residual antimicrobial protection After applied.
There is not a single person, organization, business or family that will not benefit from incorporating OxyArmor antimicrobial into their cleaning regimend.
Routine cleaning and disinfecting are an important part of reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other pathogens. Normal routine cleaning with soap and water alone can reduce risk of exposure and is a necessary step before you disinfect dirty surfaces. The Vital next step is to apply OxyArmor antimicrobial to contact surfaces, drapes, carpet , furniture, everything quite frankly.
The pre-covid world had a different set rules and accepted level of clean. We are all now living in the post covid world. OxyArmor uses a covalent bond to permanently fuse the microscopic microbial barrier to virtually any surface, metal, fabric ,textiles. Wash your sheets with OxyArmor and no bed bugs for 3 months. OxyArmor stays effective after being touched, wiped ,wetted, cleaned.
STEP #1. Clean surfaces and anywhere normally wiped.
STEP #2 Disinfect
STEP#3 Apply OxyArmor antimicrobial
This is a necessary layered approach to sanitation. A comprehensive layered regiment will have a huge effect on keeping your home ,business , favorite park bench, bacteria and virus free. Works great outside. Will keep deck furniture from smelling musty from mildew. Will inhibit mold.
Goldshield hand sanitizer which continues to be affective for 24 hours after being applied, is another revolutionary product. Alcohol based hand sanitizer Is effective for minutes.
About Antimicrobial Surfaces
Antimicrobial for surfaces and textiles perform differently and are regulated differently than sanitizers or disinfectants. Antimicrobials are considered to be microbiostatic agents that protect products, not people, per EPA regulations. The key distinction is that these are non-health claims.
VIROLOXY is used to protect any material or textile, under its approved uses, to mitigate or stop the growth of product damaging microbes. Key considerations regarding the end-product’s performance include its environment, the wear- ability of the surface, and the degree of microbial control needed to achieve the product’s purpose.
When deciding to use an antimicrobial , the
first thing to consider is the required product performance and how marketing claims will communicate that performance. This is the common starting point for all antimicrobial products. The formula used
Breadth of Antimicrobial Applications
Organosilane Antimicrobials
for a product controlling algae
in water lines will differ from
the formula controlling either
odor-causing bacteria in a
refrigerator gasket or damaging mold and mildew in building materials. The activity of a microbiostatic treatment on a bulk surface or textile, such as VIROLOXY, are verified by standardized industry methods.
Test methods commonly used to determine the antimicrobial activity of solid treated articles are:
JIS Z 2801 - a method where microbes are inoculated onto an antimicrobial surface and covered for 24hrs, and survivors are counted.
ASTM E2149 - a method where the material is immersed and shaken in a microbial solution for 1hr, then removed, and surviving organisms are counted.
Third party verification is available from labs that perform this type of “treated article” testing. Please contact us for recommendations of independent third party labs that are EPA and FDA compliant.
About EPA Regulations
VIROLOXY 9and other microbiostatic treated products fall under the jurisdiction of
textile, or liquid as well as the limitations of possible marketing claims. For instance, a yoga mat manufacturer can
state the mat is composed of a material that prevents the growth of odor causing microbes and be within regulatory limitations. However, if a yoga mat manufacturer stated that the mat kills 99% of MRSA, then the manufacturer is making a marketing claim that is considered a health claim, which is outside the scope of a microbiostatic agent. Products incorporating VIROLOXY onto the surface are operating under the EPA’s. Please Note: EPA regulations \can be somewhat nuanced and the interpretation of the rules may change depending on EPA staff perspective. Thus, encourages verifying regulatory COMPLIANCE when making claims.This is a long form text area designed for your content that you can fill up with as many words as your heart desires.
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